2.3 Data Flow

  1. State Transition Detection:

    • Watcher observes registered protocols for protocol interactions.
    • State changes is detected by the State Transition Detector.
  2. Record Generation and Classification:

    • Record Generator creates a cryptographic record of the state transition.
    • Feature Extractor processes to extract relevant features.
    • Classifier categorises based on extracted features.
    • Categorizer creates a 256-bit category bitmap for .
  3. On-Chain Storage:

    • The category bitmap and the associated record hash are stored on-chain in the Public Registry.
  4. Querying:

    • External systems can query the Public Registry to retrieve subsets of record hashes based on scope, category or feature criteria.
  5. Privacy-Preserving Compliance Verification:

    • An entity requests a compliance proof for a set of records: .
    • ZKP Generator computes a proof proving where predicate is the given compliance policy expressed as a catgory bitmap.