3.2 State Transition Monitoring


To register a protocol, please view the steps outlined in the "For Onchain Protocols" section.

State transition monitoring involves observing the blockchain for relevant events and state changes in integrated protocols.
title: "Figure 3.1: State Transition Monitoring Sequence Diagram"

  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
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      'primaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'primaryTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
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      "clusterBorder": "#f2cdcd",
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      'fontSize': '16px',
      'labelTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
      'actorBorder': '#89b4fa',
      'actorBkg': '#1e1e2e',
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    participant BC as Protocol
    participant PM as Watcher
    participant STD as State Transition Detector
    participant RG as Record Generator

    BC->>PM: Event signal (e)
    PM->>STD: Forward Event signal (e)
    STD->>STD: Reconstruct States (s, s')
    STD->>STD: Compare States (ΔS)
    alt δ ≠ 0
        STD->>RG: Detected State-Transition (e, s, s')
        RG->>RG: Hash(s') for h'
        RG->>RG: Hash(s) for h
        alt h' ≠ h
            RG->>RG: Record State-Transition (e, s, s')
        else h'= h
            RG->>RG: Discard
    else δ = 0
      STD->>STD: Discard

The process follows these steps:

  1. Protocol Registration: Protocols are registered with the ASP system, providing their function and event signatures.

  2. Event Listening: The Watcher subscribes to signals (event emission) from registered protocols that indicates a state change and forwards the event signal to the State Transition Detector.

  3. State Reconstruction:


    It is expensive & inefficient for the Observer to reconstruct or store the entire state of the protocol.

    and are only state representations / proofs which carry enough information to verify a state-transition with comparator function .

    For example: could be a merkle-proof of a state-root, and could be the new state-root.

    With a well-defined state-space and state transition-function , and/or is reconstructed from data carried by and the cached pre-image read from the state-buffer.
  4. State Comparison: The function is applied to determine if a meaningful state transition has occurred:

    Where indicates a state transition.

  5. Trigger Record Generation: Tuple is sent to the Record Generator to compose a cryptographic record of the state transition if .

  6. Record Generation: The Record Generator hashes the new state and the previous state to create a record of the state transition:

    Where and are the hashes of the previous and new states and .