1.4 Document Conventions

This document adheres to the following conventions:

[1] Mathematical Expressions:

All mathematical formulas are rendered with KaTeX

[2] Code Snippets:

Code examples are provided in syntax-highlighted blocks.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract PublicRegistry {
    // Contract code here

[2] Diagrams:

System diagrams and flowcharts are presented using either Mermaid.js or D2 syntax . For example:

graph LR
    A[Off-Chain Components] --> B[On-Chain Components]
    B --> C[External Systems]
  init: {
    'theme': 'base',
    'themeVariables': {
      'primaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'primaryTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
      'primaryBorderColor': '#89b4fa',
      'lineColor': '#fab387',
      'secondaryColor': '#f9e2af',
      'tertiaryColor': '#a6e3a1',
      'noteTextColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'noteBkgColor': '#f5c2e7',
      'notesBorderColor': '#cba6f7',
      'textColor': '#cdd6f4',
      'fontSize': '16px',
      'labelTextColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'actorBorder': '#89b4fa',
      'actorBkg': '#1e1e2e',
      'actorTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
      'actorLineColor': '#89b4fa',
      'signalColor': '#cdd6f4',
      'signalTextColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'loopTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
      'activationBorderColor': '#f5c2e7',
      'activationBkgColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'sequenceNumberColor': '#1e1e2e'

graph LR
    A[Off-Chain Components] --> B[On-Chain Components]
    B --> C[External Systems]

[3] Terminology:

Technical terms specific to the ASP system are defined in the glossary Appendix 13.1 and are italicized upon first use in each section.

[4] References:

Citations to external documents or standards are provided in square brackets and listed in the References section Appendix 13.2.

[5] Notes and Warnings:

Important information is highlighted in note blocks via mdbook-admonish plugin.


Note: Critical implementation details are emphasized in such blocks.


Warning: Potential risks or security concerns are highlighted in warning blocks.

### \[5] Version Information:

Any version-specific information is clearly marked with the applicable version number.