3.3 Record Generation

A Record () is a data structure that captures the state transition of a protocol instance and can be represented as a tuple:


  • is the unique identifier of the protocol instance
  • is the reference to the state transition event (i.e. the block number, transaction hash, log index)
  • is the pre-state hash
  • is the post-state hash

Records exsists as serialized binary-object. The construction of the Recrod object is performed by the Record Generator, a component of the ASP system.

The Record Generator performs the following steps:

  1. Compute the using the protocol’s function if not allready provided.
  2. Compute and using the protocol’s state hash function .
  3. Assemble the Record object.
  4. Compute the Record hash .

Example go-implementation of :

package record

// 32-byte Scope
// 32-byte Tx Hash
// uint Log Index
// 32-byte pre-state hash
// 32-byte post-state hash
type RecordT [130]byte

type Record interface {
	Hash() [32]byte
	Scope() [32]byte
	TxHash() [32]byte
	LogIdx() uint
	PreState() [32]byte
	PostState() [32]byte

var _ Record = (*RecordT)(nil)

func (r RecordT) Hash() [32]byte {
	return HashAlgorithm(r)

func (r RecordT) Scope() (scope [32]byte) {
	copy(scope[:], r[:32])

func (r RecordT) TxHash() (txHash [32]byte) {
	copy(txHash[:], r[32:64])

func (r RecordT) LogIndex() (logIndex uint) {
	return uint(r[64])

func (r RecordT) PreState() (preStateHash [32]byte) {
	copy(preStateHash[:], r[65:97])

func (r RecordT) PostState() (postStateHash [32]byte) {
	copy(postStateHash[:], r[97:129])