Protocol / DApp Integration Pathway

0xbow ASP V1.0 go-Buildkit

0xbow ASP v1.0 go-build-kit is a set of primitive Go modules for building custom ASP solutions.

With the go-build-kit, you can easily:

  • Interact with exisiting ASP service
  • Integrate ASP modules into your protocol / DApp
  • Build & deploy your own custom ASP services

go-build-kit is open-source and will be available soon.

0xBow ASP v1.0 implements an extensible `Integration Framework` which offers a broad range of functionality that can be readily integrated into custom solutions for your protocol / DApp.

0xBow ASP offers REST, gRPC and WebSocket APIs to support offchain integration and onchain contracts for onchain integration.

If your requirements are not met by these existing APIs, you can register for a custom integration with the ASP by following the steps below.

All integration efforts will contribute to the maturity & adoption of the ASP ❤️

How to Register?

You can find all prior registrations in the Protocol Registry page.

A Registration is the aknowledgement of an integration request and marks the beginning of the integration process. It is a formal step that allows both parties (i.e 0xBow ASP and Protocol X) to track the progress of the integration process.

To register, you will need to first to submit a new Integration Request issue in the asp-spec-v1.0a repository.

Be sure to specify the following details in your request:

  • Integration Type: Protocol/dAPP Integration

  • Integration Target: The name of your protocol / dApp (i.e. “Protocol X”)

  • Involvement: What’s your involvement with the protocol / dApp? (i.e. Developer / Engineer, Founder, etc.)

  • Contact Information: How can we reach you? (i.e. Email, Twitter, Telegram, etc.)

  • Integration Description: A brief description of your protocol / dApp and the integration requirements.

  • What are the possible integration options?

    0xBow has taken a modular approach to the ASP implementation, allowing for external integrations to be made with ease.

    Your protocol / DApp can leverage independent ASP services & modules to suit your specific requirements, i.e.:

    • Utilize the ASP Watcher service to observe and record protocol / DApp state-transitions:
      • Integrate observer & state-transition recorder modules into your services.
      • Or subscribe to Watcher aWebSocket endpoints to receive event streams.
    • Utilize the ASP Categorization Engine to categorize specific events:
      • Subscribe to Categorization Engine WebSocket endpoints
      • Request the categorization of a Record via gRPC or REST API.
      • Integrate the categorization pipeline into your services.
    • Leverage the Onchain ASP Public Registry or Offchain Record Archive to support business rules or compliant privacy-preserving mechanics (i.e. public inputs to onchain verifier contracts).

    Here are some example use-cases:

    Use-case 1: Restricted ERC20 Token Airdrop

    Protocol X is planning to airdrop ERC20 tokens to a restricted set of accounts.

    The conditions for the airdrop:

    • Account must have directly interacted with the Protocol.
    • Account must have a minimum balance of 1 ETH.
    • Account must have a minimum of 100 transactions.
    • Account is not directly & indirectly associated with any illicit activities.

    Integration Path:

    • ASP generates the schema for Airdrop Eligible category with features reflecting the specified conditions.
    • ASP will record all protocol interactions, categorize them and publish the category bitmaps to the Public Registry.
    • ASP will deploy registry-adapter contract which contains a mapping of Account addresses & record hashes as well as the bitmap filter for Airdrop Eligible.
    • The Airdrop can now integrate with the registry-adapter to ensure that only eligible accounts receive the airdrop.

    Use-case 2: Compliant ERC-4337 Paymaster

    Protocol Y wishes to implement compliant ERC-4337 Paymaster

    The compliance rules :

    • Account must have completed KYC verification.
    • Account’s UserOps are not associated with any illicit activities.

    Integration Path::

    • ASP generates the schema for COMPLIANT_ACCOUNT category with features reflecting the specified conditions.
    • ASP will record all protocol interactions, categorize them and publish the category bitmaps to the Public Registry.
    • ASP will deploy registry-adapter contract which contains a mapping of Account addresses & record hashes as well as the bitmap filter for COMPLIANT_ACCOUNT.
    • The Paymster can now integrate the registry-adpater into it’s validatePaymasterUserOp function to ensure that only compliant accounts can interact with the Paymaster.

  • What details are required for the Integration Description?

    Technical context on Protocol-ASP integration can be found in section 3.1 Protocol Requirements.

    The Integration Description should provide a brief overview of your protocol / DApp and the integration requirements. This should include:

    • A brief description of your protocol / DApp
    • The integration requirements
    • Any specific features or functionalities that you would like to integrate
    • Any specific modules or services that you would like to leverage

    The more detailed the Integration Description, the better we can understand your requirements and provide a tailored integration solution.

  • This is too confusing for me !

    If you are unsure about the registration process or how the ASP can be integrated with your protocol / DApp, feel free to reach out to us at

    We’re happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

  • What happens after I submit the registration request?

    After submission, 0xBow will review the integration requirements, conduct workshop sessions to plan the integration process and deliver a detailed integration plan with timelines. Once complete, 0xBow will request for a signoff on the integration plan.

    Upon signoff, the integration request will be documented in the Protocol Registry page with links to the integration project tracking page.