4.4 Performance Considerations

Feature extraction can be computationally intensive and difficult to scale. Optimization strategies have been considered to ensure that feature extraction is efficient and scalable.

  1. Parallel Processing: Parallel & distributed feature extraction for independent features.
title: "Figure 4.1: Distributed Parallel Feature Extractors"

    init: {
      'theme': 'base',
      'themeVariables': {
        'primaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
        'primaryTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
        'primaryBorderColor': '#89b4fa',
        'lineColor': '#fab387',
        'secondaryColor': '#181825',
        'tertiaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
        "clusterBorder": "#f2cdcd",
        'noteTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'noteBkgColor': '#f5c2e7',
        'notesBorderColor': '#cba6f7',
        'textColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'fontSize': '16px',
        'labelTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'actorBorder': '#89b4fa',
        'actorBkg': '#1e1e2e',
        'actorTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'actorLineColor': '#89b4fa',
        'signalColor': '#cdd6f4',
        'signalTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'messageTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'messageLine0TextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'messageLine1TextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'loopTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
        'activationBorderColor': '#f5c2e7',
        'activationBkgColor': '#1e1e2e',
        'sequenceNumberColor': '#1e1e2e'

   graph TD
     A[Record] --> B[Feature Extractor A]
     B --> C[Extract Feature A]
     A --> D[Feature Extractor B]
     D --> E[Extract Feature B]
     A --> F[Feature Extractor C]
     F --> G[Extract Feature C]
     C --> H[Combine Features]
     E --> H
     G --> H
     H --> I[Feature Set]
  1. Caching: Caching of intermediate results for frequently accessed data.

  2. Optimized Data Structures: Optimise schemas to allow efficient data structures for feature representation and manipulation.

  3. Batched Processing: Process multiple records in batches to amortize overhead costs.

  4. Feature Selection: Features selected carefully to provide the most discriminative power for downstream tasks.

Performance can be quantified using the following metrics:

  1. Extraction Throughput
  2. Feature Extraction Latency
  3. Memory Efficiency