5.6 Classification Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution Process

A dispute resolution process is necessary to handle conflicting categories:

title: "Figure 5.2: Dispute Resolution Workflow

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      'primaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
      'primaryTextColor': '#cdd6f4',
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      'tertiaryColor': '#1e1e2e',
      "clusterBorder": "#f2cdcd",
      'noteTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
      'noteBkgColor': '#f5c2e7',
      'notesBorderColor': '#cba6f7',
      'textColor': '#f5e0dc',
      'fontSize': '16px',
      'labelTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
      'actorBorder': '#89b4fa',
      'actorBkg': '#1e1e2e',
      'actorTextColor': '#f5e0dc',
      'actorLineColor': '#89b4fa',
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graph TD
    A[Conflicting Classification Detected] --> B[Escalate to Committee]
    B --> C[Analyze Record and Proofs]
    C --> D[Committee Voting]
    D --> E{Majority Decision?}
    E -->|Yes| F[Update Categories]
    E -->|No| G[Extended Deliberation]
    G --> D
    F --> H[Refine Classification Process]
  1. Detection: Automated systems identify conflicting classifications for the same record.

  2. Escalation: Disputes are escalated to a resolution committee.

  3. Analysis: The committee examines:

    • Raw record data
    • Extracted features from each extractor
    • Applied classification rules
    • Verifiable Classification proofs
  4. Voting: Committee members vote on the correct classification.

  5. Resolution: The majority decision is applied, and the record’s classification is updated.

  6. Rule Refinement: If necessary, classification rules are updated to prevent similar future disputes.

Best Practices for Dispute Resolution

  1. Diverse Committee: Ensure the resolution committee includes members with varied expertise (e.g., protocol developers, cryptographers, domain experts).

  2. Transparent Process: Document and make public the dispute resolution process and outcomes.

  3. Timeboxed Resolution: Set strict timeframes for each stage of the dispute resolution process.

  4. Weighted Voting: Consider implementing a weighted voting system based on member expertise or stake.

  5. Appeal Mechanism: Allow for appeals of dispute resolutions under specific circumstances.

  6. Incentive Alignment: Implement a reward/penalty system for committee members based on the accuracy of their votes.